Connecting the topic with real life.
Video: watch the video: ACTIVITY 4
Which animal didn’t you see in the video? butterfly, turtle, okapi, crocodile, frog, bear, flamingo, cheetah
After you watch activity:
You work for a zoo. Work in groups of two or three and prepare an invitation to your zoo. Think about anima ls the visitors can see there but also other places that they can visit (e.g. restaurants, playgrounds, special attractions).
Start your invitation with: Hello everyone, we would like to invite you to our _________ (name) Zoo. In our zoo …….
Perform your invitation for the class or upload your audio/video to Padlet.
Watch the invitation to Chester Zoo with the students: ACTIVITY 4
Before you watch: What animals do you expect to see? What else can people do when visiting a zoo?
While watching: which animal can’t you see? Write down the list of the animals below: butterfly, turtle, okapi, crocodile, frog, bear, flamingo, cheetah. Students need to decide which animal they didn’t see in the video.
After you watch: put students in pairs or small groups (2-3) and ask them to prepare an invitation to the zoo where they work.
Students perform their invitations for the class, or teacher can create a Padlet page where students can upload their videos
The BOOST Project (Building Open Online Series for Teaching) aims to improve the digital readiness of teachers of English as a foreign language to students aged 8 -14 by providing an open-access series of engaging native-speaker content videos linked with a Resource Pack of ready-made activities to stimulate production of the language in online learning.