Amazing Animals B1 – Activity 2

Amazing Animals B1 – Activity 2

Aim of Activity

15 minutes

Target grammar reinforcementcomparative and superlative adjectives.

Steps for Students

Work in pairs or groups.  



A-Z adjectives: Go to ACTIVITY 2 or scan a code generated by your teacher.  

Go to the frame assigned to you by your teacher. Write one adjective, preferably an animal adjective, that begins with the corresponding letter of the alphabet (double click on the corresponding letter to be able to fill in the adjectives). 

Your group gets 1 point for every correct adjective. 


Chain game: Make sentences about animals, using the adjectives which your teacher shows on the screen in a comparative form. Your sentence starts with the last noun (=animal) of the previous sentence, e.g.: Elephants are bigger than tigers. =>  Tigers are smarter/ faster/ bigger than pigs. => Pigs are…  


A-Z of adjectives:  


Use your copy with your students: Click on the three dots in the top right corner and click on “Make a copy”.  Then click on “Share” and change the setting from “Restricted” to “Anyone with the link” and from “Viewer” to “Editor”. Send the new link to your students or generate a QR code. 

Students work in pairs or small groups (3-4) and write one adjective for each letter, preferably an animal adjective (2-3 minutes) 

Assign 1 frame to each group where they write the adjectives (double click on the corresponding letter to be able to fill in the adjectives). There are 10 frames.  Check the adjectives with the class – project the answers on the screen. 

Groups get 1 point for an adjective 



Chain game:

students make sentences about animals, using given adjectives in a comparative form.  Write the following sentence in the chatbox (on the board): Elephants are bigger than tigers. Students must make a comparative sentence starting with the last noun of the previous sentence. In this case, the next sentence must start with ‘Tigers‘ (e.g. ‘Tigers are smarter/ faster/ bigger than pigs.’) Students must use the adjectives from the random word picker – open the link, click on “single name” in the top bar of the website, use the arrows to change the adjectives: RANDOM WORD PICKER  

Groups get 1 point for every correct sentence 




Jamboard works best with a Google account. You need to download a jamboard application to be able to open jamboard on mobile devices.  


You can also ask students to use the adjectives and make sentences with superlative forms of the adjectives 


Suggested adjectives: arrogant, brave, cute, dangerous, endangered, fast, great, heavy, intelligent, joyful, kind, long, moody, noisy, optimistic, patient, quiet, rare, slow, tall, useful, venomous, witty, (xeric), yellow, zebralike