How I Stay Healthy A2 – Activity 2

How I Stay Healthy A2 – Activity 2

Aim of Activity

45 minutes
Activity 2a (mini-activity) Language presentation – The meaning 

To introduce the examples of the target language presented in the video (Zero and First conditionals), as well as elicit and clarify the meaning of the target language.

Activity 2b (mini-activity) Language presentation – The form 

 To offer students another exposure to the examples of the target language presented in the video (Zero & First conditional), as well as elicit and clarify the form of the target language.

Activity 2c Language practice 

To practise the zero and first conditionals in the context of staying healthy.

Steps for Students

Activity 2a 
  1. Click the link: Activity 2a
  2. In pairs or small groups, decide which three sentences are in the zero conditional, and which three sentences are in the first conditional.  
  3. What are the rules for the zero and first conditionals? Based on the examples from the video that you just categorised, work out the rules for the use of zero and first conditionals.  


Activity 2b 
  1. Click the link: Activity 2b
  2. In pairs or small groups, remember the conditional sentences from Activity 2a. Unjumble the sentences.  


Activity 2c 
  1. Click the link: Activity 2c
  2. You are going to play The Millionaire Game. You will be put into small teams.
  3. There are two types of questions you will have to answer – 500 points and 5000 points questions.  
Activity 2a Language Presentation – The meaning (sorting)

This activity aims to introduce the target structures via examples from the video. The main focus of the activity is to elicit and clarify the meaning of the target language (Zero conditional for facts which are always true & first conditional to express real possibilities in the future). 

  1. Click the link: Activity 2a
  2. Start by writing on the board:  ‘If… ‘ 
  3. Get students to brainstorm ideas and remember some of the ‘If’ sentences from the video. Avoid correcting at this stage, wait until students attempt Activities 2a & 2b so that they can work out the rules themselves. 
  4. Get students to complete Activity 2a by categorising the six examples from the video into zero & first conditional. Elicit and clarify when and why we use both conditionals. Focus on the form briefly, students will have another opportunity to further clarify the form in Activity 2b.  


Activity 2b Language Presentation – The form (Unjumble sentences)

This activity should be done in pairs to elicit and further practise the form of the target language (zero & first conditional).  All the examples used in this activity are the same as in Activity 2a, offering students more exposure to the target language in a controlled way. 

  1. Click the link: Activity 2b
  2. Start by asking students if they can remember the ‘If’ sentences from Activity 2a. Avoid correcting at this stage.  
  3. In pairs, students unjumble the sentences. 


Activity 2c Language practice 

This activity helps students practise zero and first conditional.   

  1. Click the link: Activity 2c
  2. 📍There are five questions worth 500 points (fill in the gap) and five questions worth 5000 points (fill in two gaps) depending on the level of difficulty.
  3. Each round takes two questions to be answered (one easy one and one difficult one). This could be done in pairs or as a whole class with students divided into small groups (each player completes a round, students/groups take turns). The game can be played repeatedly, each time, different questions (sequence of questions) will be displayed.  
Activity 2a

Zero conditional

  • If I don’t feel too tired, I sometimes dance in my room.
  • If my concentration improves, I can study much faster.
  • If we have a test, I can see myself doing it very well.

First conditional

  • If you do it right, you will feel absolutely great.
  • If you walk 30 min a day, you will improve your concentration.
  • If you take the bus, you won’t feel tired when you arrive at school.


Activity 2b
  1. If you walk 30 minutes a day, you will improve your concentration.
  2. If I don’t feel too tired, I sometimes dance in my room.
  3. If you do it right, you will feel absolutely great.
  4. If my concentration improves, I can study much faster.
  5. If you take the bus, you won’t feel tired when you arrive at school.
  6. If we have a test, I see myself doing it very well.


Activity 2c
  1. If you don’t sleep well, you’ll feel very tired tomorrow. 
  2. If we eat too much chocolate, we put on weight. 
  3. If you don’t do enough exercise, you’ll be out of shape. 
  4. You ‘ll be exhausted if you don’t eat a healthier diet. 
  5. If you eat snacks between meals, you won’t feel hungry enough to eat dinner later. 
  6. If she doesn’t eat breakfast every day, she’ll have health problems later. 
  7. If I can’t sleep, I always drink some milk. 
  8. If you can’t concentrate during your exam tomorrow, you should do a breathing exercise. 
  9. If I don’t feel well tomorrow, I will go to the doctor’s. 
  10. She doesn’t do any yoga if she feels tired.