My Journey to School A0 – Activity 1

My Journey to School A0 – Activity 1

Aim of Activity

15 minutes

Checking understanding of the video and practising vocabulary.

Steps for Students

  1. Get one Plickers card from your teacher
  2. Use the card to respond to the question you see on the projector by turning it in the correct direction
  3. Wait for your teacher to scan your card
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each question

You’ll need a computer/tablet/mobile phone, internet connection, class projector

  1. Sign up to Plickers app using this link: STEP 1
  2. Create a class and add your students in it: STEP 2
  3. Open the Plickers set which will now appear: STEP 3
  4. Download the Plickers cards and print them: STEP 4
  5. Download the Plickers app to your phone and check how to use it on the link below: STEP 5



  • If the Plickers game is new for you, follow this link to get familiar with the game and here is a Using Plickers in class tutorial.
  • Check the previous links and try playing the Plickers game before using it in your lesson.
  • You must download the Plickers app to your phone because you will need it to scan students’ answers.
  • You must print the cards with different QR codes.
  • Students will use them for answering the questions.
  • It takes a lot of preparation to get familiar with the game but it’s definitely worth it!
  1. she usually goes by double-decker
  2. a bus with 2 floors
  3. Italy
  4. 45 minutes
  5. a rickshaw driver