Power Cut A2 – Activity 3

Power Cut A2 – Activity 3

Aim of Activity

15 minutes

Understanding that there are some vocabulary-related differences between British and American English. 

Steps for Students

Your task is to determine whether a given sentence is more commonly used in British English or American English.

Scan attached QR code to open google forms: Amy or Bree?

  1. Go to: ACTIVITY 3    
  2. Introduce the activity by explaining that students will work with two fictional characters, Amy and Bree, who are from the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively. 
  3. Highlight that American and British English sometimes use different words for the same object, and give an example (e.g., crosswalk vs. pedestrian/zebra crossing). Encourage students to guess which words Amy and Bree would use for the objects listed on slide 2. 
  4. For each word listed in British English, ask students to find the corresponding word in American English. 
  5. Direct students to a Google form where they can submit their answers to all eight questions. They can work individually or in pairs. 
  6. Once students have submitted their answers, review the results and provide useful tips based on the most common errors or misconceptions. 


Extra Activity: Have your students prepare a few “typically British” and a few “typically American” sentences combining the right words. 

Key (British English first): 

  • underground x subway  
  • wardrobe x closet 
  • sweets x candy 
  • autumn x fall  
  • postbox x mailbox 
  • holiday x vacation  
  • biscuit x cookie  
  • lift x elevator
  • flat x apartment 
  • crisps x chips 
  • film x movie 
  • rubbish x trash 
  • lorry x truck 
  • petrol x gas 
  • trousers x pants 
  • queue x line 
  • motorway highway  
  • chemist’s drugstore  
  • hall corridor  
  • mobile phone  cell phone  
  • toilet restroom

Activity attachment

QR_google forms Amy or Bree?