How Many A1

How Many A1

Key Language:

Party: guests, guest list, gift, candle, cake, pizza box, glass, plate, fork, bottle, table, chair, ball, toy, plates, pizza boxes, celebrate, party, balloon

Numbers: 1-100



Lisa is celebrating her birthday with her friends and a surprise guest. Lisa sets up the garden with tables and chairs. They play games and have fun until it is time for her birthday cake. But, when Lisa’s mom goes to get it, it is gone! Where could it be? Who is the secret guest?


How Many – Transcript

Aim of Activity

10 - 15 minutes

To check learners’ understanding of the video. 

Steps for Students

  1. Work in pairs or small groups.
  2. Click the blue arrow to listen to the questions about the video.
  3. Talk to your partner and choose the correct answer. 
  1. Put learners in pairs or groups.
  2. Share the task with the learners.
  3. Ask the learners to listen to and answer some questions about the video.
  4. Check the answers with the whole class. 


Face-to-face class:  

Use a projector to do the task as a whole class activity OR provide tablets for groups of learners to do the task in groups 

Online lesson: 

Use a computer to share the task online by clicking the link: Activity 1


If needed, watch the video again. 

Note that to move to the next question, the learners need to click the correct answer if their first choice was incorrect. 

To make the activity more communicative, encourage the learners to discuss the answers before clicking the answers. 

In an online class, learners can share their answers in the chatroom before the teacher reveals the answer on the screen. 

At feedback stage, the teacher can read the questions again and discuss the answers with the whole class. 

  1. Why does Lisa get up early?
    Because today is her birthday.
  2. What toys does Lisa have?
    She has got a lot of toys: two brown dolls, two big white dolls, and two small black dolls, 1 big blue ball, two small red balls and 2 small green balls, ducks, bears
  3. Why do Mike and Will go to the garden?
    They go to the garden to play football.
  4. What happens at four o’clock?
    The guests go to the garden to eat the cake.
  5. How does Lisa feel when she can’t see the birthday cake?
    She feels sad/unhappy/disappointed.
  6. What happens to Lisa’s cake?
    Mike and Will eat a lot of it and put the leftovers in the bush.
  7. How does Boosty arrive at the party?
    He flies with balloons to the party. 

Aim of Activity

10 - 15 minutes

To review the target language, the use of have/has got, from the video.

Steps for Students

  1. Work in pairs or small groups.
  2. Go to: Activity 2
  3. Look at the pictures.
  4. Say what Dave has or hasn`t got and what Ben and Betty have or haven’t got. 
  1. Put learners in pairs or groups.
  2. Share the task with the learners: Activity 2
  3. Ask the learners to use the pictures to say what Dave has or hasn’t got and what Ben and Betty have or haven’t got.
  4. Check the answers with the whole class. 


Face-to-face class:
Use a projector to do the task as a whole class activity OR
Provide tablets for groups of learners to do the task in groups. 

Online lesson:
Use a computer to share the task online – by clicking the link Activity 2


Pre-teach any vocabulary if relevant to learners.
Words used in the activity: a tent, a parrot, a smart watch, a blue bike, a brown dog, a football, a red schoolbag, a blue skateboard, a TV, a cat, a green car, a guitar.
Encourage the learners to use adjectives with the nouns in the pictures. (e.g. blue, beautiful) 

As a follow-up activity ask the learners whether they have or haven’t got the things in the pictures. 

Note that it is possible to switch templates using the same content by clicking one of the templates (e.g. Random cards, Random wheel, Open the box) on the right of the screen. 

Dave has got a blue bike/a brown dog/ a football/ a skateboard. 

Dave hasn’t got a smart watch / a red schoolbag. 

Ben and Betty have got a (beautiful) cat/ a parrot/ a (brown) guitar. 

Ben a Betty haven’t got a TV/ a green car/ a tent. 

Aim of Activity

10 - 15 minutes

To model how to describe items in a bag through a listening activity and then get learners to talk about the content of their own school bag to use the target language in a real-life context.  

Steps for Students

  1. Listen to and draw what Lisa has got in her bag.
  2. Work in pairs.  
  3. Student A: Tell your classmate what you have got in your bag and how many. 
    Student B: Listen to your classmate. Draw or write down what your partner has got in heir school bag.
  4. Change roles. 

Ask the learners to listen to and draw what Lisa has got in her bag. 

  • Variation: Learners can listen to and write down (instead of drawing) what Lisa has got in her bag.


Ask the learners to work in pairs and tell each other what they have got in their bag. Ask the learners to take notes of what their partner is saying. 


Encourage learners to use simple adjectives e.g. big, large, small, short, long and colours, when describing objects. 

During the speaking activity, monitor the learners and take notes of common errors for error correction right after the activity or at the beginning of the next lesson. 

After the activity, the teacher can nominate some of the learners to share with the class what they have learnt about their partner. 

As a follow-up activity, learners can describe what their partner has got in their bag in writing as their homework. 


I’ve got a big bag and I’ve got a lot of things in it. 

I’ve got a small black mobile phone. It was a birthday gift from my parents. 

I like colours so I’ve got eleven pencils – a yellow pencil, a blue pencil, two red pencils, three black pencils and four green pencils. 

I’ve also got three pens in my bag – a black pen, and two blue pens. 

I’ve got a new cap in my bag. I love caps. I have a beautiful blue cap, but it’s at home. In my bag, I have a small red cap. 

Answer: a (small black) mobile phone, 5 pencils (a yellow, a red and 3 green), 3 pens (a black, 2 blue), a red cap 

Aim of Activity

10 - 15 minutes

To sensitise the learners to the differences in the pronunciation of numbers, e.g., 13 vs 30, 14 vs 40. 

Steps for Students

  1. Listen to and repeat the numbers you hear.
  2. Listen to your teacher.If you hear a word from the left column, turn left. If you hear a word from the right column, turn right.


  1. Do the activity in pairs.
  2. See the MAP.
  3. Choose a city and guide your partner there.
  4. Go left = numbers where the stress is on the second syllable  e.g. thirteen, fourteen, fifteen; 
    example – thirteen: o   O
  5. Go right = numbers where the stress is on the first syllable e.g.: thirty, forty, fifty)
    example – thirty:    O o
  6. Example: thirty (turn right at 1) – fifteen (turn left at 2) – seventeen (turn left at 3) – ninety (turn right at 4) -> Paris 

Step 1: Can you hear the difference? 

Ask the learners if they can hear the difference (between the following numbers: thirteen – thirty, fourteen – forty, fifteen – fifty, sixteen – sixty, seventeen – seventy, eighteen – eighty, nineteen – ninety). 

Play the recording:  


Step 2:  Write the numbers on the board or the screen in two columns like this: 

left  right 















Step 3: Pronunciation journey 

Make a copy of the MAP for each learner, project it on an interactive whiteboard or share the map with the learners digitally. 

At each number, the learners need to decide whether to go left or right.

  • left = numbers where the stress is on the second syllable  e.g. thirteen, fourteen, fifteen;  
  • right = numbers where the stress is on the first syllable e.g.: thirty, forty, fifty) 


Demonstrate the task by reading four numbers. For each word, the learners need to turn left or right according to the word stress.  

After reading four words, the learners should arrive at one of the cities at the top of the map.  

Example: thirty (turn right at 1) – fifteen (turn left at 2) – seventeen (turn left at 3) – ninety (turn right at 4) -> Paris 

Step 4: After the demonstration, the learners can do the activity in pairs. 


For visual aid, the stress patterns can be marked with circles above the numbers on the board or screen:  


   o   O          O o 

thirteen – thirty 

The stressed syllables are highlighted: 


fourteen forty 




eighteen eighty 


Aim of Activity

15 - 20 minutes

To revise the use of have/has got by answering questions about the learners’ school, class, teachers and classmates.

Steps for Students

  1. Open the link:  Activity 5
  2. Work in groups.
  3. Choose a name for your group.
  4. Choose a column, A, B, C or D.
  5. Choose a box with a question (from 100 as the easiest to 500 as the most challenging).
  6. Your group has got 30 seconds to answer a question. 
  1. Divide the class into groups for the learners to work in teams. 
    •  Note that it is possible to add or remove teams be clicking the + or – sign left to the table. Alternatively, in a face-to-face class, the scorescan be written on the whiteboard.
    • The learners can be asked to choose a name for their team (to make it easier to keep the scores). 
  2. Decide with the learners in what order the teams are going to play. 
  3. Ask Team 1 to choose any box with a number on it. (from Columns A, B, C or D and from 100 to 500; questions worth 100 points are the easiest and the ones for 500 are the most challenging) 
  4. To reveal the questions click the box. 
  5. Set a time limit of e.g. 30 seconds to answer a question. 
    • Only the team choosing the question can answer it in the 30 seconds.
    • After Team 1 has answered the question, move on to Team 2, then to Team 3, etc. 


Face-to-face class:  

Use a projector to do the task as a whole class activity  

Online lesson: 

Use a computer to share the task online by clicking the link: Activity 5


To make the game more exciting, tell the learners that: 

  • each correct answer is worth the points indicated on the box.
  • each incorrect answer means that the number of points thequestion is worth is deducted from the total.
  • if the group is not certain about the answer, they can choose not to answer the question and get 0 points.
  • if a group gives an incorrect answer or does not answer the question, any other group can answer it. 

Encourage the learners to work together as a group and discuss the answers first. 
