My Worst Holiday Ever A2

My Worst Holiday Ever A2

Key Language:

Holiday: flight, souvenir, check in, passport, security, luggage, sunscreen, outdoor pool, airport security, delayed, on time, duty free, aisle, window seat.

Past simple actions: swam, miss, found, seen, dropped, got, take off, forgot, left, put, stood up, repaired.

Souvenirs: football shirt, magnet, plate, keyring, flag, cap, notebook, postcard, mug, scarf, stamp, teddy.

Violet and her friend Tara have both just come back from a holiday abroad. Tara had an amazing time but Violet had a terrible holiday with lots of problems and bad luck from the start.
What happened to Violet? Why was her holiday the worst holiday ever? And why didn’t she text Tara?


My Worst Holiday Ever_Transcript

Aim of Activity

10 - 15 mins

Follow up activity after watching animation to check understanding.

Steps for Students

Step 1: Listen to the teacher and look at the pictures: Activity 1

Step 2: Are the sentences true or false?

Step 3: If a sentence is false, what is the correct answer?

1. Click on the link or download the pictures: Activity 1

2. Read following 15 sentences to your students

3. Students can say ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ or  students can stand up if it’s TRUE and sit down if it’s FALSE or students can move left if it’s TRUE and move right if it’s FALSE

1.     Violet is under her bed.
2.     Her family are waiting for her in the car.
3.     Her passport is in the car.
4.     Violet must take her boots off at airport security.
5.     Their flight is on time.
6.     Violet bought a lot of things in the airport shops.
7.     Violet was slept on the plane.
8.     Violet tripped and fell.
9.     It was raining all the time during her holiday.
10.   There was an indoor pool in their hotel.
11.   Violet texted her friend Tara for a chat when she was on holidays.
12.   Her little sister dropped her phone.
13.   She needs to get it repaired.
14.   Violet bought a souvenir for her friend Tara.
15.   Violet enjoyed her holiday.


This activity could be done before the video is played and as a follow up activity.

  1. TRUE
  2. TRUE
  3. FALSE – it is in her bag, in the secret pocket.
  4. TRUE – Had to/Must
  5. FALSE – There flight is delayed.
  6. FALSE – She didn’t buy anything it was so overpriced.
  7. FALSE – but the passengers next to her slept (were snoring).
  8. TRUE
  9. TRUE – It rained every single day.
  10. FALSE – There was an outdoor pool.
  11. FALSE
  12. TRUE
  13. TRUE
  14. TRUE
  15. FALSE – She has the worst holiday ever.

Activity attachment

Activity 1_My worst holiday ever_flashcards

Aim of Activity

30 mins

To provide students with a controlled practice of past simple question forms.

Steps for Students

  1. Find a photo of a holiday that you remember well.
  2. Watch the animation and write down any questions you hear about holidays.
  3. Interview a classmate and use the same questions.
  4. Report to the class about your classmate’s holiday.
  5. Your classmate will interview you too.
  1. Show the class a photo from a memorable holiday.
  2. Write ‘What/Where/Why/When/Who/How long and elicit some past simple questions from the class:
    e.g. What did you do? / Where did you go?
  3. Watch the animation again and ask them to write down any similar questions they hear.
  4. Ask the class to share a photo of a good or bad holiday they remember (this can be done online, or they can bring a photo to class the next day).
  5. Ask them to look at their partners photo and interview them about their holiday.
  6. At the end of the lesson, they must tell the class about their partner’s holiday.


Listen for correct pronunciation of target language.
Are they using correct question forms?
Are they giving full answers?

If the students prefer not to share personal photos, they can select one here:

Questions you could hear in the Animation:
How was your holiday?
What happened?
What time did your flight leave at?
What did you do?
Did you buy anything?
How long was your flight?

Aim of Activity

30 mins

To develop listening comprehension for travel.

Steps for Students

  1. Click on this link: Activity 3A
  2. Click on the audio to check pronunciation.
  3. Use the ‘match’ function to test yourself.
  4. Watch the animation again and write down any of these words.
  5. Click on this link: Activity 3B
  6. Listen to some travel announcements and try the online exercises.
  7. Work with your group to create your own online announcement. You can use the transcript to help you but you must change: Flight time/Flight number/Airports/Gate number
  1. Click on the link: Activity 3A
  2. Ask students to open the link on devices in groups or play together on an Interactive board.
  3. Use the ‘flashcard’ option to learn the pronunciation and check meaning of new vocabulary.
  4. Emphasise pronunciation and click the audio to check.
  5. Use the ‘match’ function as a quick follow up activity.
  6. Rewatch the animation and listen again for these words.
  7. Click on the link: Activity 3B
  8. Play the announcements and check understanding through the online exercises.
  9. Ask students to record their own announcements using the transcript + changing the: Flight time, Flight number, Airports, Gate number


A good recording device for announcements is

Answers provided.

Aim of Activity

30 mins

To connect topic to real life experience and teach vocabulary via a game format.

Steps for Students

  1. Did you buy any souvenirs on your last holiday? What did you buy?
  2. What is the best souvenir?
  3. What is the worst souvenir ever?
  4. Play the souvenir game here: Activity 4
  5. In the animation Violet bought a Souvenir for Tara but she left it on the plane. In your group design the perfect souvenir for Tara from your region.
  6. Think about the following:
  • What kind of object is it? ( a mug/plate/keyring…..)
  • What can Tara use it for?
  • What is it made of? (wood/plastic/gold……)
  • Is it cheap or overpriced?
  1. Ask the class what words they associate with souvenir and create a mind map.
  2. Next play the game on souvenirs by clicking the link here: Activity 4
  3. In the animation Violet bought a Souvenir for Tara but she left it on the plane.
  4. Ask the class to work in groups to design the perfect souvenir for Tara from their region.
  5. Ask them to consider the following:
  • What kind of object is it? ( a mug/plate/keyring…..)
  • What can Tara use it for?
  • What is it made of? (wood/plastic/gold……)
  • Is it cheap or overpriced?


Here is a useful tool for creating online mind maps


Answers are given.

Aim of Activity

30 - 60 mins

To engage students creatively with target language through a joint project or pair work activity.

Steps for Students

  1. Click on the link:
  2. Enter the name of your city.
  3. Look at the images by selecting images/panoramas or videos of your city.
  4. You are going to go on a virtual holiday with their group. Enter the name of a city you would like to visit.
  5. You need to navigate the site and create the story of your holiday.
    • How was your holiday?
    • What happened?
    • What did you do?
    • What did you see?
    • What did you eat?
    • Did you buy anything?
    • How long was your flight?
    • Was it your best or worst holiday ever? Why?
  6. Use the website to explore the city virtually and use your imagination to answer the above questions before sharing your ‘virtual holiday’ with our class.
  1. Click on the link:
  2. Enter the name of your city.
  3. Show the class the images available by selecting images/panoramas or videos of your city.
  4. Tell them they are going to go on a virtual holiday with their group.
  5. Instruct them to enter the name of a city they would like to visit.
  6. They must navigate the site and create the story of their holiday in this place:

How was your holiday?
What happened?
What did you do?
What did you see?
What did you eat?
Did you buy anything?
How long was your flight?
Was it your best or worst holiday ever? Why?

  1. Instruct them to use the website to explore the city virtually and use their imagination to answer the above questions before sharing their ‘virtual holiday’ with the class.


To extend this activity ask students to create on online postcard from their virtual holiday:

Activity attachment

Guide for 360cities