Power Cut B1

Power Cut B1

Key Language:

Technology: power cut, digital detox, AI, electronic devices, mobile phone, download, website, social networks, comments, profiles, editing, power plant, the radio, network, mobile data, wifi

Rick has time for everything, except his homework. Max is different. He wants to finish his essay first and play games afterwards. On the night of the big power cut, who will get their way?


Power Cut_Transcript

Aim of Activity

10 - 20 minutes

To check students understanding.  

Steps for Students

If you play this game with cards, follow these steps: 

  1. Your teacher will give you a set of Plickers cards. Each card has a unique code on it, like a barcode or QR code. 
  2. Before the game begins, hold up your Plickers card so that your teacher can see the code on it. This will help them match your card to your name in the Plickers system. 
  3. During the game, your teacher will ask you a question, and you’ll need to choose an answer from the options given. 
  4. Hold up your Plickers card with the code facing up, and rotate it until the letter of your chosen answer is at the top. 
  5. Your teacher will then scan the room with their phone or tablet’s camera, and the Plickers system will record your answer. 
  6. Your teacher will then display the results of the question, so you can see how well you and your classmates did. 
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 for each question in the game. 

And that’s it! Just remember to hold up your Plickers card with the code facing up and rotate it to select your answer. 

Plickers is a fantastic app which will engage your students and make learning more interactive. With Plickers, you can easily create quizzes or polls that your students can respond to using a simple set of cards. 

One of the most popular features of Plickers is the ability to scan these cards with your phone or tablet’s camera, instantly collecting and analyzing your students’ responses. This eliminates the need for expensive clickers or other hardware, and allows you to get real-time feedback on how well your students are understanding the material. 

Plickers also offers a variety of other useful features, such as the ability to create multiple-choice, true/false, or open-ended questions, and to track student progress over time. It’s easy to set up and use, and your students are sure to love the engaging and interactive learning experience it provides. 

To install Plickers, please go to: PLICKERS

When everything is installed and ready, these are the two sets of questions you will need: 

Unfortunately, it wasn’t possible to have all 10 questions in one set. The free version only allows 5 questions per set. Sorry about this inconvenience. 

For non-interactive (presentation) mode: Simply click on this link: NON-INTERACTIVE MODE  It will take you to a simple Slides presentation which you will go through with your class. Correct answers are shown after each question card. 



Original link for presentation if the above link doesn’t work: ORIGINAL LINK 

Not available

Aim of Activity

10 - 20 minutes

To reinforce correct use of common prepositional verbs.

Steps for Students

There will be 12 cards with questions. Take turns in reading and answering the questions. 

  1. In case you skipped Activity 1, make sure students have watched the animated video at least once before starting this activity. 
  2. Then go to: ACTIVITY 2
  3. To start, a student will pick one of the 12 questions, you click on it, the student will read the question aloud and then answer it. Then, another student will pick, read and answer the next one. 

There are no points assigned for this activity – the focus is on practicing the prepositional verbs and getting comfortable using them. 

Not available

Aim of Activity

15 minutes

Understanding that there are some vocabulary-related differences between British and American English. 

Steps for Students

Your task is to determine whether a given sentence is more commonly used in British English or American English.
Scan attached QR code to open google forms.



  1. Go to: ACTIVITY 3    
  2. Introduce the activity by explaining that students will work with two fictional characters, Amy and Bree, who are from the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively. 
  3. Highlight that American and British English sometimes use different words for the same object, and give an example (e.g., crosswalk vs. pedestrian/zebra crossing). Encourage students to guess which words Amy and Bree would use for the objects listed on slide 2. 
  4. For each word listed in British English, ask students to find the corresponding word in American English. 
  5. Direct students to a Google form where they can submit their answers to all eight questions. They can work individually or in pairs. 
  6. Once students have submitted their answers, review the results and provide useful tips based on the most common errors or misconceptions. 


Extra Activity: Have your students prepare a few “typically British” and a few “typically American” sentences combining the right words. 

Original link if the above link doesn’t work: ORIGINAL LINK

Key (British English first): 

  • underground x subway  
  • wardrobe x closet 
  • sweets x candy 
  • autumn x fall  
  • postbox x mailbox 
  • holiday x vacation  
  • biscuit x cookie  
  • lift x elevator
  • flat x apartment 
  • crisps x chips 
  • film x movie 
  • rubbish x trash 
  • lorry x truck 
  • petrol x gas 
  • trousers pants 
  • queue line 
  • motorway highway  
  • chemist’s drugstore  
  • hall corridor  
  • mobile phone  cell phone  
  • toilet restroom

Activity attachment

QR_google forms Amy or Bree?

Aim of Activity

10 to 15 minutes

Building stronger listening and speaking skills while summarizing important facts from a BBC video. 

Steps for Students

In this activity, you will listen to a recording about the concept of a “digital detox.”
After listening to the recording, answer two comprehension questions.
Once you have completed the questions, you will have the opportunity to discuss an interesting topic with your classmates.

Click the link: ACTIVITY 4


  1. Click the link: ACTIVITY 4
  2. You will be directed to a Slides presentation that features a playable video. The video can also be accessed directly from HERE
  3. Have your students discuss the content on Slide 3 in pairs and provide you with their answers to the questions.
  4. Move on to Slide 4 and have them discuss the content first in pairs and then in larger groups.
  5. Encourage them to share their opinions with the rest of the class. 


Not available

Aim of Activity

15 to 45 minutes

To develop students’ digital and communication skills.

Steps for Students

In this class activity, you will have the opportunity to discuss interesting questions about the world of AI.
Additionally, you will get to interact with AI and share your experience with your classmates.

Click the link: ACTIVITY 5 to access a Slides presentation


  1. Click the link: ACTIVITY 5 to access a Slides presentation.
  2. Start by asking your students if they know what “AI” means, and then proceed to Slide 2, which provides a definition of AI.
  3. Move on to Slide 3 and discuss a few questions with your students. You can choose to do this as a pair/group activity or ask individual students directly to save time.
  4. On Slide 4, have your students follow the steps provided. You can work with one avatar, and project a conversation with it onto the board, or your students can use their own individual or team avatars on their phones, laptops, or tablets, etc. Students should follow all the steps and converse with their avatar for at least 10 minutes.
  5. Move on to Slide 6 and let your students discuss the topic in pairs or small groups. Alternatively, you can ask them to discuss individually to save time. 

Not available